Initial Setup
How do I get the “Beta Pioneer” role on Discord?
Login to https://app.okapi.xyz
Open My Profile on the top right or open https://app.okapi.xyz/user/my-profile
Click “Connect Discord”
⚠️ If you have joined more than 100 discord servers, there might be an error message when you connect, you can quit a few server and retry
How can I start to vote and write reviews on Okapi?
You will start from level 0 from beginning, complete level 0 tasks and unlock level 1 to write reviews and vote for reviews.
I cannot generate badge, what shall I do?
We may have latency in on-chain data indexing, please come back in an hour and try again. Contact the team in Discord and raise a ticket to get help if your issue is not solved.
Product Usage
Captcha Verify Failed error
The team had integrated the latest version of Google reCaptcha to protect the Okapi site from spam and bot traffic. The system can occasionally throw false positives. The new system no longer serves visual verification and purely uses machine learning (based on Google's documentation).
If you've been mislabelled, the best thing to try:
use a different network (wifi to cellular)
use a different VPN location.
use a different browser
I am not eligible for Okapi Drops, what shall I do?
Each Okapi Drops has criteria set by the project, please read the criteria details on each Drops page, and mint NFT accordingly to become qualified.
If you think you already meet the criteria, however, the status is ineligible, please contact the team in Discord and raise a ticket to get help.
I'm in a project's Discord server but my community badge is not showing up, what should I do?
Please check the following before proceeding:
check the discord server you are in matches the discord server we have for the project. You can find each project's discord server under the project name e.g. for Uniswap
check that you've already claimed all your latest badges on My Badge page by clicking "Generate Badge"
If you've checked the above and things are still not showing, following the following steps to force a full refresh of our indexed data:
Disconnect your discord on My Profile page if you already connected; start from 2 if you haven't connected yet;
Join project discord server, i.e. if you want to write a review for rhino.fi, join their discord server;
Connect your Discord account to Okapi on My Profile page.
Collect your community badges on My Badge page and click on “Generate Badges”
Do you support mobile?
Yes, You’ll be able to browse reviews and projects, edit your profile and generate badges from mobile. We are focusing on polishing our desktop experience first. More mobile support coming soon.
Why is the system not letting me write reviews?
There's two common reasons for:
You haven't levelled up to Level 1. You must have generated at least 3 badges since joining Okapi. We are doing this to avoid the platform being spammed by bots.
You have written reviews too frequently. This is another system measure to avoid spam content from flooding in.
Core Concepts
Is Okapi Badge and Okapi Badge NFT different?
The Okapi Badge is a digital credential awarded to users based on their on-chain and off-chain experiences within the Okapi platform.
On the other hand, the Okapi Badge NFT takes the concept of the Okapi Badge a step further by minting it as a NFT. This means that the Okapi Badge NFT becomes a unique digital asset with its ownership and attributes recorded on a blockchain.
While both the Okapi Badge and Okapi Badge NFT represent a user's credibility within the Okapi platform, the Okapi Badge NFT adds the additional feature of being minted as an NFT, bringing your reputation on-chain
Still Stuck?
Join our Discord and ping one of the mods
Last updated
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